Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Whoa violently ...
I the clever girl with big face ...
Did the intermediate examination of screwed it something worse did not. Actually, I should chop off my hands for it ourselves. -.-
Fortunately, one has friends who can make the lunch, if you are already in victories ... That was good, that felt good. =) Now, we
me a lot better, I'm not over it yet ... So smart and yet so seemingly silly, because my state is inadequate. Just as I have attested.
fiercely All right ...
I shall certainly do that do not graduate! Unless it is me and if I Meschede himself to pay, come what may ...
* puff *
Will not know what my boss says tomorrow, I have certainly made me very tame ... This can also be already quite possible, but was quite calm in the exam. It was just like always ... Maybe that was the mistake!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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Via a Tweet pod2g published recently, the info, it was found a new exploit, which will allow an Untethered jailbreak. Unfortunately we are unable to give the location further information, since it no longer exposed. By a further Tweet of hacker pod2g but confirmed that all registers are controllable. Given the fact that [...]
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Monday, January 31, 2011
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For several months, was allowed as a bonus for personalized music television iPad collect the users. For some time there is a competing product on the App Store on iTunes. The Universal App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch offers similar. You select between different music channels, what you want to look like. Over the three knobs Classic / New, Slow / Fast and More> Related posts:
- App: Flux Capacitor for iPhone and iPad
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- App: myTaxi for iPhone and iPad for Hamburg, Cologne and Bonn available
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guys, the wait is soon end! The Chronic Dev Team has just been officially presented to the YouTube channel of P0sixninja with a video for the untethered iOS Jailbreak 4.2.1 iPhone on a fourth As a tool for greenpois0n serves as the link suggests the description of the video. It should therefore no longer much to [...]
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Saturday, January 29, 2011
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is announced today Perfect Cell by Mobi Game, the developers of Edge among others appeared. You play a highly developed creature in a high-security U-boat base and must use his superpowers to escape. There are 5 levels, Game Center integration and HD graphics for retinal displays and iPads. 5 hours gameplay are promised The trailer 'here: Tweet
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What makes the special charm of reading newspapers on a Tablet PC? As should look like a newspaper App? Why is the tablet computer, instead of the traditional print output is used? And how can devices like the iPad especially young readers will win?
engaged in a research project, the research group? Print next? at the University of Erfurt with these questions ...
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Chillingo as a publisher and developer ForzeField than yesterday a new arcade shooter called Infinity Field for the iPad published in the AppStore. The game looks and gameplay reminds strongly of
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James Murdoch, chairman, CEO of News Corp.. and son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, was sighted at the DLD conference in Munich and on? The Daily? addressed. In an interview he gave to understand that the iPad newspaper will appear in the coming weeks. He also confirmed a price of 99 cents per week. That should More> Related posts:
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- Rupert Murdoch's newspaper The iPad? Daily? January 19,
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Since Tuesday gibt es im App Store die iPad App . Mit ihr kann man sich Hintergrundbilder aus dem riesigen Archiv des LIFE Magazine auf das Tablet von Apple holen. Zwölf Bilder bekommt man mit dem kostenlosen Download der Applikation geschenkt. Per in-App-Kauf von jeweils ?1,59 stehen zurzeit neun weitere Sets mit je 25 Bildern Mehr > Related posts:
- App: Inspiring Europe in HD
- App: Pressefotos von Thomson Reuters
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- App: Hintergrundbilder für iPad via ArtScapes
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Press Release + + +? Castle Defense Lite? available free of charge? $ 10,000 + + + extended tournament Karlsruhe, 14 January 2011? ? of successes is his continued and now has the mobile IOS platforms in its sights. After the owners of Mac computers can go since the end of last year on an expedition in Antaloor, provides? Two Worlds II Castle Defense? now for that More> Related posts:
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Friday, January 28, 2011
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On Monday we were informed by Felix that Android has overtaken the United States just in Apple's IOS. In Germany the situation is somewhat different. As the research firm ComScore reported now, both the IOS platform and Android have been able to establish with us, with iOS remains faced with the Google counterparts. The operating system for
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Two common problems at a stroke solves The new MacBook Pro desktop stand of, it reduces clutter on your desk, tucked keyboard, MacBook Pro or iPad and Co., and gives the monitor or the iMac to an ergonomic, elevated position. The MacBook Pro also has a desktop stand 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub
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The production of the iPad 2 will begin in February . This report the Chinese newspaper Commercial Times. Foxconn remains the main production partner. As a sale date so that it would probably run out again on March / April. However, initially only relatively small quantities of the produced iPad 2 before production is ramped up in the second quarter. Shortage of supply would therefore be in More> Related posts:
- Apple production plans of 6 million per month iPad 2s
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Recent discoveries, according to Neowin's, Microsoft is currently working on a similar video-communication solution such as 4 or iPhone iPod touch, 4G users already familiar with FaceTime. This will be done by means of Voice over IP (VoIP). Reason to this assumption: In the hidden registry of Windows Mobile 7 operating system are two key concepts, suggest that such an implementation: "VoIP" [...]
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press release, the new module for Quark Publishing System designers are control of the publishing on the iPad DENVER - 20/01/2011 - Quark today announced the immediate availability of Quark Publishing System App Studio for known ®, a new module for Quark Publishing System, which the publishing on the iPad associated with the creative and & More # 62; Related posts: Apple Releases
- and loosens rules for developers iOS
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Apple has the App Store successful model for iPhone and iPad transferred to the stationary and mobile Macs. What are the characteristics of apps for the Mac, as does downloading and installing? Where there are free programs on the Mac App Store? We give you guidance on the App jungle.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
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The Dev Team released an update for redsn0w with version 0.9.6rc7 has released firmware 4.2.1 for iDevices. In order that a One-Click is tethered boat can be reduced through the necessary steps with the boot. The graphical interface is omitted and the respective arguments are to be entered on the command line. The respective commands are-j for [...]
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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seems so blind already almost no longer an expression of my right eye to be ... Since it is almost through the eye test for driver's license and although it makes wearing glasses. lol
fiercely I can tell you:)
I hope I do not fall to the machine when the Season starts. But first theory.
And before Midterm ... * Shivering *
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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- arrival:)
- check-in at the B & B Hotel
- Rach & Ritchy: 82 €, 2-course meal includes 2 drinks ; nke
- Shopping: Sex shop: P
- Repperbahn boring tour including Table Dance Shop & interesting street girls ^ ^
- Tafelhaus: Rach and RTL were above us about the way
- Slowman
- Jungbluth \u0026lt;3
- Karstadt ... As always.
- Curry Queen
- Bullerei: 110 €, 4-course meal including 2 drinks (2 x Wednesday ^ ^)
- check-out from the hotel
- visit to a tea shop ... They are friendly people:)
- Henssler & Henssler: 32 €, 1-speed including 2 drinks. A very suspicious man brings coffee to the table in front of me ... I watch him all the time ... Only when leaving the restaurant and for a renewed look at be Cookbook is clear ER it really was. *-*
- return: (