Oh, menno ... Well, the original plan for this thing was indeed time to document all the stuff that I'm doing all day long ... So sewn and painted, and God knows what ... the few times I've slept through n and then had no more desire. Next try. Otherwise, come on I always namely so ago, as I did nothing at all ... just can not be ne ^ ^
've just sewn for Alana n top is brown and long sleeves, but have no picture of it ... one probably will not, but really quite boring isses. Is also just wants to down under, with the green tunic, which I still sew. Which is also beautiful. And then just missing yet n belt and a pair of matching shoes ... ne pants I've already made. Well, theoretically, still missing a gun ... n sword can raise determines the size, actually, I'd just prefer for them XD Ne ne ax really nice dwarf, perhaps I simply a craft. But I imagine difficult, ... even see.
Jari has been n few really good clothes, but also the need for shoes. His boots fit really only halt for modern outfits. He looks now from:
must also still sew clothes for my Puki ... and give the little brat own name but I remember nothing clever one-.-
Hmja, which has nothing to do with Dolls ... I started to knit my socks. Last year I did for Mom and for my brother who knit, now I want some who ... the cuffs, which I started last year are, at some point over the summer has become the way done and I like to wear ^ ^ And the socks are colorful, yep. I wear black's otherwise known, but I like colorful socks anyway. Apart from that I was yesterday
in Freiburg have some of the books and vouchers that I got from various members of the family got for Christmas, put to good use ... namely, for a total of 20 volumes of manga ^ ^ One Piece, so I have something to read. Volume 29 +30 I unfortunately have not got that now I have to stop sometime later ... otherwise I have the series up to Volume 44 now, that was important to me ... the part with CP9 I like most and that is because the ends. Right now I'm sitting still at the level Skypiea-books that I like but also like.
So, the end of the mega-Rants