Somehow I have lately made little ... well, when school is, I'll have most often XD but I'm also lazy-.-
habs But I at least managed to sew me n new shirt, black, again. Pretty simple but pretty. Maybe I'll still ne lacing back in, I find chic and also isses eh n bissl far, but close proximity may I not more because the fabric is not stretchy so mad and I will perhaps never come clean XD
n Have photo of it, have the possibility of the same ma the Selbstauslöserfunkion Digicam tried is very good. Just the camera itself is quite cheap n part, but I can live.
One sees little cheer photo, but at least the form ... broken and my pants XD Have also started
s to knit pair of legwarmers - yes, exactly, it is now March and I do winter things, which is typical of me. I do not care what the weather is tze. Are also rather unspectacular, the things, and still in its infancy, so no pictures of it.
Gloves gray Camouflagestoff I have also done wrong, but there is a purely n band, to be ornament, including unfinished ... with me always had an unfinished stuff lying around, ey XD
also gave me my aunt brought ausm holiday n scarf, but black fluttering term thing. Is pretty, though not really my style - too elegant XD I think I'll wear it anyway.