Good evening, I
after reading some old posts and me so once again skillfully distracted from learning, I now revel a bit in memory the past. It was a very nice time, maybe the best of my life.
Lena has suggested that "we from the past" us meet again. I personally find the idea very well, hopefully what will come of it.
On our last day we have a picture of the old 1a made. Granted, many of us did not make it: but all who have made up on the high school are also now 13th in the If all goes well, all have well soon you Abi.
It was a really nice time ...
... and even this time is nearly over. For me, there still remains the bio exam tomorrow, and the oral exam in German, then I'm done. I'm going to get my high school, my cut would be anywhere from 1.9 to 2.1.
Many people are happy to never have to go to school, but I see it different. Much of the good times of recent years, I owe the school. Of course, not everything is always the way you want it, but for me the daily coming together of hundreds of people was always the norm. I'm already tired of school Freis. Some developments can not stop just.
be So from the children of the school, the young high school men of the professional world. Been interesting to see how has the developed one or the other. I actually think that the only thing we know for sure about life is that it will always be different. And with it the people who live it.
I dedicate myself again to the Learning. I only saw it through various developments and feelings as appropriate to write a small entry - after a long time again (the small, mindless of Jansen's not I count it;)).