n0_ob4life @ 2007-06-22T22: 16:00
L - 20 days: '(
The OP is so far gone well am on Tuesday at seven clock in the morning arrived on time in St. John in Reinhausen where I then got my fancy shirt, my ingenious socks and my name is.. Underwear against an even more stylish (rear naked) shirt, still more ingenious (anti-thrombosis) socks and warm (a coarse network of substance resembling) Underwear (clear) in exchange. Then I received a pill that would make me tired.
Well when I shipped it to the operating table was, I was still wide awake and the doctors have wished a good morning ^ ^ Although they were ersraunt something, but after three deep breaths of nitrous oxide was delicious, I will also gone into dreamland.
watched the afternoon to myself. At the drip, which I should carry on the needle in my left hand liquid, put a morphine-like Betäubingsmittel the drug. I understand why people are dependent on: P apart from the fact that I felt no pain and I also was tired all the time, could practically fall asleep at any time. I could sleep as a loving man, the only sanction. When it was evening of sleeping but was a surprise: my roommate, who was to be discharged the next day, Snores! But not normal, but as loud as you would stand in the middle of an empty room and just start to scream! When I had my earplugs can bring this complication, however, was overcome.
visited on the first day I was just my mother and my father. Wednesday I was then visiting Janina, Jan and Lisa. Furthermore I've got, of course, huge MCIH know because like most of you is a kranknehaus not the most exciting place on earth. My mother was of course again.
Thursday went right party. Not only did Arne Karsten, Mo and Möwius ene visit, which I was very pleased, but called me shortly thereafter and Lisa, Toward evening wanted me to come visit. So it was hardly boring. I also admit that they have again found their way to the avoided television for months. Lisa, I have seen on the day the last time for the next three weeks because she has been this morning is on the way to France: '(Today I
was then dismissed I can not do much. My head can not get away move, I'm übelst tense in the shoulder / back and I have to spare. Otherwise, I feel quite well. The only thing pending just yet, the histology of the node, ie the analysis of the findings, which the doctors have cut out me. I hope that it is benign tissue, because as you vortstellen you can irritate me nothing at the thought of having cancer at 18:>
läufts otherwise. Thanks to all visitors and those who wanted to be that (ne, Leni:)), as well as those who have thought of me and / or wished me a speedy recovery! Hope the wound heals
time soon, so I'm full strength again soon (especially the liver;)).
Mfg Stoque.